The neck is a prominent part of the body which shows signs of ageing in many people even sooner than their face. Loose-hanging, leftover skin with lost elasticity can also be a dismaying side effect of weight loss. Neck lift surgery can produce pleasing and satisfying results in treating vertical bands, loose and sagging skin, turkey wattles also referred to as turkey gobblers or heavy necks - giving you a smooth and shapely neck.
Neck lift Surgery removes banding, excess skin and fatty tissues while reinstating the smooth and refined appearance of your neck.
Depending on the individual’s need, different techniques are used to perform neck lift surgery:
The skin elasticity of the neck and the extent of sun damage will influence the surgery outcome. However, superior surgical procedures are effective in restoring the attractive contour of the neck and help many patients get rid of their problems.
How does it work:
1- Sign-up through this link
2- Upload 3 photos (front, right & left view)
3- Book your Remote 3D Consultation
Stay safe and have a Remote 3D Video Consultation from the comfort and privacy of your home, office or favourite place.
Non-smokers with realistic expectations of results and general good health are considered the best candidates for the operation. No specific age is cited for a neck lift surgery and candidates ranging from thirtys to octogenarians can benefit. A neck lift procedure may be beneficial for individuals with sagging/wrinkling necks and loss of distinction between the neckline and jaw or chin. However, you may be excluded from surgery if you suffer from certain diseases, and it is advisable to consult a qualified plastic surgeon to talk about your goals and expectations. Your medical record will be reviewed by Mr Javaid to determine the risks and a suitable treatment plan.
Platysmaplasty is performed to correct wattles or vertical bands, small incisions are made under the chin or behind the ears and specific neck muscles are removed or readjusted to tighten the middle part of the neck.
Cervicoplasty is used to address floppy and sagging skin. Incisions are made under the chin or behind the ears, and skin is then trimmed and secured in place with the help of sutures or dissolvable stitches. Dressing tapes are applied to the cuts and a compression garment is wrapped around the neck and head.
To remove surplus fat, liposuction is performed by making an incision beneath the chin and inserting a small tube or cannula through the cut to reach the fat tissues. The excessive fat is then removed through the thin cannula by applying a vacuum technique. Tapes are applied on the wound (dressings may also be applied around the neck and head).
Neck lift surgery require an overnight stay at the hospital. Post-surgery, a compression bandage is wrapped around your neck and head, which may need to be worn for a week. Considerable bruising and swelling may show up over the following three days and you may experience a tight and sore neck. Stitches will stay in place from seven to ten days although dressings might be removed after a few days.
Non-strenuous work may be resumed in one to two weeks, however bending over, turning the head or lifting heavy things should be avoided for several weeks following the surgery. Mr Javaid may recommend you to keep your head elevated at all times (including during sleep) for a few days.
Haematoma, seroma, infection, bruising and swelling, numbness around scars and asymmetry due to facial nerve injury, persistent dissatisfaction with the appearance.
Operation duration: 2-4 hours, depending upon the type of facelift. Anaesthesia: General/local with sedation. Hospital Stay: Overnight. time off work: Two weeks.
If you require any further information about Neck Lift Surgery or the range of surgical and non surgical treatments provided by Mr Javaid or wish to book a consultation please contact us by completing our enquiry form or by using the following contact details:
Enquiries in Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire:Please speak to Mrs Pauline Titley (private secretary) on 077 8069 8989
Enquiries in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire:Please speak to Mrs Pauline Titley (private secretary) on 077 8069 8989
How does it work:
1- Sign-up through this link
2- Upload 3 photos (front, right & left view)
3- Book your Remote 3D Consultation
Stay safe and have a Remote 3D Video Consultation from the comfort and privacy of your home, office or favourite place.
Qualifications: MBBS MSc FRCSG FRCS(Plast)Full Member of: BAAPS & BAPRAS